Core Space is a deluxe fully modular three dimensional board game for 1 to 6 players. The game can be played as single missions or campaigns with each player in charge of a team of traders, their sole objective, to survive in a dangerous galaxy!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Core Space: Dangerous Days
almost 5 years ago
– Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 02:36:45 PM
Hey everyone
Long time no speak! We hope you are all safe and well, making the most of the lockdown playing solo Core Space :-).
Core Space is going from strength to strength. We've sold more copies of the game outside of Kickstarter than we did during the campaign - the Purge are taking over the world, and we couldn't have done it without your support. Thank you!
If you're a Board Game Geek user there's another chance to help us out today. The nomination phase for the latest Golden Geek Awards ends today - please head over to the site to nominate Core Space as 2019's best Board Game, Strategy Game, Thematic Game, or any other category you like! Thanks!
You may have noticed that by the end of 2019 everything from the Core Space Kickstarter had been released into the world. However, that was not the end for Core Space. The Mission Mondays have been continuing into 2020, we've just released the FAQ, and thanks to the games's success we have also been able to create a range of new Core Space products released straight into retail!
The first of these will be released in May. The new releases are headed up by the Dangerous Days book, a 96 page supplement with plenty of new and exciting rules, a new narrative campaign, a painting guide, and more.
The book is supported by two new expansions:
Shift Change at MegaCorp adds more Civilians to the game, but with a twist. These are two new types of NPC - Scavengers that will try to loot the board before you can, and Workers who will play a key role in missions as well as causing trouble for you.
Rogue Purge shows what happens when a Live One resists its conditioning and starts to think outside the hive mind, recruiting other Purge units to its cause. These NPCs have some brand-new unique mechanics and can also be used as a Trader crew in their own right!
Both expansions include highly-detailed resin miniatures, character boards, class boards, event cards, new missions, and loads of new equipment.
These new products are available to order now, from our website or from our stockists worldwide. If you're looking for a new campaign to see you through the lockdown, look no further.
Stay safe!
Fantasy Wargames Terrain Kickstarter Now Live!
over 5 years ago
– Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 10:11:26 PM
Hey everyone!
We hope you’re enjoying Core Space. Don’t forget that if you’ve managed to make your way through all the missions included in your pledge we are regularly releasing new ones on our blog HERE. The next ‘Mission Monday’ will arrive very soon.
Also, a quick reminder about our Warehouse Clearance - we have got lots of exciting new/repackaged products on the way and we need a bit of a tidy up to make some room! This includes the last few Core Space Kickstarter add-ons. If you missed something and still want to pick it up, check out the sale HERE.
And talking of exciting new products…
Fantasy Wargames Terrain Kickstarter
If you’re into Fantasy or Historical games then our next project is perfect. Wargames, skirmish games or RPGs – we’ve got them all covered. The new terrain is live on Kickstarter now, and already funded! We'd love for you to join us on this journey back into our fantasy world.
Just like the sci-fi stuff you’re used to from Core Space, this terrain is made from our pre-printed super-high-density cardstock and requires no painting. It is modular and is quickly assembled with the same plastic clips.
The Fantasy Gaming Table pledge will get you all the terrain you need for a complete gaming table for just £75. You can tightly pack the terrain into a 3' x 3' / 90cm x 90cm skirmish board, or spread it out over a 6' x 4' / 180cm x 120cm battlefield for wargaming.
Example of the Village set on a 3'x3' / 90cm x 90cm gaming area
Example of the Battlefield set on a 6'x4' / 180cm x 120cm gaming area
It’s suitable for many popular miniatures games and RPGs, including Kings of War, Vanguard, A Song of Ice and Fire, D&D, Frostgrave, Mordheim, Warlords of Erehwon, Rangers of Shadow Deep, Age of Sigmar and more.
The Kickstarter will run until the 19th of July. Between now and then we're hoping to smash our goal and max out the pledges with all manner of freebies and exciting new terrain kits. Colin will be hard at work on new art and tooling during the Kickstarter too, so it's not too late to make requests!
We will also have club pledges available with multiple sets at a discount, and retailer pledges with great benefits for the stores. Please let your FLGS know about the KS to get them involved.
The Ship is Now Leaving Core Space
almost 6 years ago
– Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 10:15:04 PM
Hello Traders!
We are pleased to announce that all Core Space pledges have now been dispatched. The vast majority will be in people’s hands already with the remaining packages due to arrive imminently. We’re seeing more and more comments and hobby projects springing up on the Facebook Group every day. If you haven’t joined already please do; we’d love you to join the discussion.
Canada were at the back of the queue this time unfortunately – sorry Canada! The Canadian pledges left QML last week and are being sent up in bulk by truck before being dispersed to people’s addresses. QML advised a week for delivery, so they should arrive this week.
If anyone is still waiting for their pledge, please allow a little more time to account for any bad weather, customs delays or Purge interference. If you still haven’t received your pledge by the end of next week (May 12th), please get in touch with us and we will chase up the package for you. You can reach us at [email protected].
If your pledge has arrived but there is something missing or damaged, we will sort that out for you too as quick as we can. Again, please email any such requests to [email protected].
Rate the Game!
Once you’ve had a chance to unpack everything and get a few games in we would really appreciate it if you could tell the rest of the world what you think. We want to build a community of Core Space players and keep the game going for a long, long time, and you can help.
Any blog posts, video reviews, Facebook shares and anything else you can do would be amazing, but at the very least if you could pop over to Board Game Geek and give us a rating and some comments we’ll be eternally grateful.
If you haven’t had a chance to play but still want to see how it all works, Beasts of War have been running some Let’s Play videos – check them out below:
This latest one uses our Outlands set for an exterior desert setting – Core Space doesn’t just have to be played inside!
To help build this community we want to see Core Space played in more stores and clubs worldwide. Please take your copy in and see if you can get some games going. We are now supplying retailers, so please ask your store staff to get in touch HERE.
Remaining Stock
With all the orders shipped we do have a few of the add-ons left in stock. We have now uploaded them all to our website. If there was something you missed you can head over and pick it up, still at the Kickstarter prices, while stocks last. You'll find most items on the Core Space page, as well as the terrain items HERE.
You may have seen that since the Kickstarter we repackaged some of the add-ons into expansion products at retail, and we sent out all the new missions we created to backers as free PDF downloads.
Kickstarter backers got lots of freebies and discounts, but depending on which add-ons people picked there will be some backers who don’t have everything they may need to play certain missions. To clear up any confusion we have listed everything from each product below:
The majority of backers will not need to read this list – if you picked up the Titan pledge, the Miniatures Mega Bundle, the Gatherers add-on and a Shuttle, then you’ve got everything :-).
Outbreak terrain (included in the Titan pledge, otherwise available as an add-on)
Purge Annihilator Mini and Boards (included in core pledge)
Purge Gatherer Minis and Boards (available as an add-on)
5 Event Cards (included in core pledge)
Shootout at Zed’s Expansion (available at retail later in 2019)
This expansion consists of:
Shootout at Zed’s terrain (included in the Titan pledge, otherwise available as an add-on)
Zed’s Gang Minis and Boards (included in core pledge)
Milly and Razor Ganger Minis and Boards (included in the Miniatures Mega Bundle or Guards and Gangers add-on)
Ooma and Treva Civilian Minis and Boards (included in the Miniatures Mega Bundle or Metropolitan Pack add-on)
5 Event Cards (included in core pledge)
Galactic Corps Expansion (available at retail later in 2019)
This expansion consists of:
Particle Transmitter terrain (available as an add-on)
Sci-fi Equipment terrain (included in the Galactic, Frontier and Outlands sets, or HERE)
Galactic Corps Minis and Boards (included in core pledge)
Additional Galactic Guard Minis (included in the Miniatures Mega bundle or Guards and Gangers add-on)
Security Minis (included in the Miniatures Mega bundle or Metropolitan Pack add-on)
5 Event Cards (included in core pledge)
Get to the Shuttle Expansion (available at retail later in 2019)
This was available as an add-on - everyone that bought a shuttle received the complete product.
In our last update we mentioned a miscommunication regarding the Character Generation Boards. I hope you can accept our apologies for the mistake. Now that everything is available, we have set up a discount code for our website. It will work on all our products so if you still want to pick up some of our already discounted Dungeon terrain or grab an Outlands set to play the mission from the Beasts of War video above, now’s the time.
Use the code 5OFF30CSKS for £5 off at the checkout when you spend £30, valid until the end of May.
Signing Off
Talking of the Outlands terrain, we’ve got more plans for exterior settings this year. Coming straight to retail this summer are the Gothic Ruins seen below as well as a couple of other new kits. Check out your local store or our website in July for more details.
Of course, while we’re working on new projects (including more Mission Mondays and Core Space support!) we don’t have as much time as we’d like to monitor our completed Kickstarters and pop into the comments. We don’t want to miss any customer queries, so if you need to get in touch going forward please either:
We're only a small team so we can't guarantee to respond if messages come in outside of these channels.
You can keep up to date with the latest Battle Systems news by signing up to our newsletter HERE. Stay tuned and you’ll see more of this…
Huge thanks again for your support with Core Space – with your help we’ve made a world-class product and we’re really looking forward to the future of the game. Its the end of the Core Space Kickstarter, but our adventures in Core Space have only just begun...
Until next time, happy gaming!
The Battle Systems Team
Colin, Wayne and Stew
Shipping Update
almost 6 years ago
– Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 01:55:55 AM
Hey everyone!
Thanks for bearing with us through the shipping of the KS. I hope everyone that has already received their pledge is very happy with what they've received - that certainly seems to be the general consensus!
I just want to explain where we're up to and what's happening next. I appreciate that a lot of you have been waiting for an update but we didn't want to post until we had some solid information to give you, and that information has not been the easiest to come by!
Non-USA/Canada/Brazil Pledges
As of today, GamesQuest have shipped all pledges to backers outside the US, Canada and Brazil. The vast majority were on their way a week or two ago and have already been received - we're loving all the photos and reviews you guys are posting - please keep them coming!
We recently found out that a small number of orders were delayed due to a stock discrepancy in GamesQuest's system. If you aren't in the US, Canada or Brazil and haven't had your pledge yet this is why. These last orders have now all been shipped, so the last few tracking notifications will be in your inboxes in the next 48 hours.
The few Brazilian orders are the last ones remaining in the UK warehouse. As I understand it there is some extra courier paperwork that needs completing for these orders - I will be chasing GamesQuest next week to get this sorted and get these on their way.
All North American orders are being shipped directly from the US. The timescale on this is what we have been waiting for to post this update. Thank you for your patience while we've been wrangling various fulfilment centres and carriers to get the information. We totally understand the frustration of the US backers who are seeing all of us Europeans playing our new games already.
GamesQuest shipped all the stock to Quartermaster Logistics (QML) in Florida last week. This has resulted in a delay to the dispatch date, but it does mean that the dispatch time once it leaves QML should be very quick. QML have confirmed that they have received the stock (they sent photos - see below) and are working with GamesQuest on the order data so they can start picking and packing. They haven't been exact with their timings, but have told us that the dispatch will definitely begin early next week. As I understand it you should start receiving your shipping notifications and possibly even your packages next week. If anything changes GamesQuest will let us know and we'll pass the information on.
Core Space is in the US!
It didn't all arrive safely :-(. Luckily we sent enough spare stock that the damages won't affect the fulfilment :-).
We have been doing everything we can to get this Kickstarter out in an orderly fashion and uphold Battle Systems' stellar reputation for customer service. We're the first to admit it hasn't gone quite as we would have liked, but it's always tough for a small crew. We make plans and set them in motion, and we try to compete with the large companies and will continue to do so, but ultimately we are still three guys working out of our spare bedrooms at home so there's a limit to what we can do. One day we'd love to have our own warehouse and manage things like this ourselves, but for now we have to outsource things like fulfilment so we don't have full control of the process. On this occasion some of our backers are sharing our frustration, but it won't be long now until Core Space is in your hands!
Core Space Launch
Core Space is not a flash in the pan. This game is going to have a long and bright future and we want to bring you guys along with it. The Kickstarter has done wonders in creating a welcoming fanbase, and we really appreciate your support in making this game (and Colin's long-term dream) a reality. The Kickstarter is however just the start - we've got so much planned for the game and the universe going forward!
Our continued support of Core Space relies on a successful launch at retail and we couldn't let the fulfilment delays jeopardise that. We built up a schedule of releases, hype and supporting content based on our expected delivery date but we unfortunately didn’t foresee a 3-4 week delay in the dispatch of the North American pledges. To ensure the game is as successful as possible we have been continuing with our original release plan in the meantime, trying to keep as many people happy as possible. In turn this retail success means that we can keep producing new Core Space content for you throughout this year and beyond.
The recent Core Space Day at Board in Brum
With all the Kickstarter pledges shipped from the UK, GamesQuest have been making a start on the next batch of orders. It wasn't our initial plan, but due to the time it will take for the various international shipping options, it was inevitable that some people in some countries would receive their regular copies before the last KS copies turn up elsewhere.
Unfortunately GamesQuest couldn't leave the picking line set up and leave the fulfilment team doing nothing while they waited for everything to turn up around the world – that wouldn’t be financially or practically viable.
Don't forget that even if you didn't purchase any add-ons, the Kickstarter pledge still contains more than twice the content of the retail edition that other customers are getting, as well as expansion content that won't hit retail until the end of the year. It can be awkward using third party fulfilment as we don't have direct control, but I can assure you we are doing all we can to get everyone the remaining KS orders out as quickly as possible.
I appreciate that Kickstarter backers want to get their orders first but depending on the scale of the operation it’s just not always possible. When it arrives you’ll see that it was well worth the wait 😊. If all goes to plan you should also be able to find more opponents and build up a proper little Core Space community in your area.
Character Generation
It has come to our attention that some backers were expecting to receive the Character Generation Boards in their pledges as a free stretch goal rather than an add-on.
Unfortunately there has been a mistake – we never actually intended for this to be a free stretch goal but there was clearly a communication error between ourselves back when we wrote Update 42 and created the stretch goal graphic. It was only ever supposed to be an add-on and we intentionally did not include it in the pledges when they were manufactured. We didn’t realise that we’d written something different in the update until now.
In the meantime we added more free stuff into the pledge that wasn’t in the original plan – the upgraded rulebook, extra poses for miniatures, Security die, upgraded clips, lots of missions and other free downloads.
While we can’t ship these boards to everyone, of course we don’t want to leave people disappointed. The files for these boards are available to download and over in the Facebook Group people have already been making good use of these files to add characters to the game! Colin will also be doing a tutorial video on how to make them dry-wipe friendly.
Character Dashboards
We do have stock of the pre-printed boards left and we will be making these available on the webshop in the next few weeks along with our remaining stock of the other Kickstarter add-ons. If you missed something during the Kickstarter, you're not too late!
We will post full details in another update when all of this stock is available, and we will also be offering Kickstarter backers a discount on the website so they can pick these items up :-).
Mission Mondays
Right now, the 11 missions in the rulebook might seem like plenty, and then there's another 10-15 missions that you've been sent as pdfs free with your pledge. Of course, once you're as addicted to the game as we are you'll be ploughing through those in no time and you'll be hungry to continue the story. As an example of the support we will be providing for Core Space going forward, we are introducing Mission Mondays. Every few weeks we will release a brand new scenario for Core Space as a free download!
The first of these, Lost in Space, is available to download HERE, and there will be another new mission coming very soon.
The Black Maria
Thanks again for your patience everyone. I'm excited to hear more about what people think about the game when it arrives. I am also excited to not have to chase up orders for a few hours each day and instead get to work on some more future projects - those Monday Missions won't write themselves!
While you're waiting, there has been a lot more video content going up for Core Space recently - check out the following links:
To keep up to date with our future projects, make sure you're signed up to our newsletter - you can do so HERE.
Happy Easter, and Happy Gaming!
Stew (and Colin and Wayne, but they're currently chained to their desks making pretty things...)
Shipping Begins!
almost 6 years ago
– Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 02:50:05 AM
Hey everyone!
Just a quick update to say that the stock is all here and booked in and we're ready to go. We'll spend tomorrow preparing the picking line and doing some test orders and we hope to begin shipping properly from Thursday.
This is just one of the two containers that turned up. It's been a busy day!
Until we've tested the picking we're not sure exactly how long it will take to get the orders out, but we will go as quickly as we can. You should receive an automatic email with a tracking number once the order has left us.
All that's left to do now is wait. Core Space will be in your hands very soon!
If you haven't seen it, we've started a series of blog posts on the game over on our blog. Check out the first one HERE. Keep following the blog to stay up to date. We will also post a summary in the newsletter. If you're not signed up already, do so HERE.