
Core Space

Created by Battle Systems Ltd

Core Space is a deluxe fully modular three dimensional board game for 1 to 6 players. The game can be played as single missions or campaigns with each player in charge of a team of traders, their sole objective, to survive in a dangerous galaxy!

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Who's Who - The Purge
over 6 years ago – Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 05:29:53 AM

Hi, guys, here's the second of the occasional Who's Who updates, this time it's the Purge.


The Purge are a semi-sentient race of humanoid machines whose sole task is to harvest worlds. They have a hive mind, much like insects and almost no sense of self preservation.  

They were designed to be the main antagonists of the game, controlled by the AI and there to make the player's lives as difficult as possible! 

The inhabitants of Core Space give the Purge names by type but otherwise know very little about them. Purge technology is very rare, destroyed Purge start decaying on deactivation leaving nothing but a puddle of common polymers.  

The Purge are paradoxically both scary and a bit pathetic with their small heads and expressionless faces. Much like the 'mediocrity of evil' where the foulest acts in history were performed by people who looked harmless and were just 'following orders' the Purge's very blankness and lack of emotion would make them far scarier in real life.  

Of course the Purge aren't evil, they're driven to perform their tasks and have no free will but the people of the Core Space universe would find that deadness to the soul even more horrifying - and that's the nub of the Purge, they are the villain that keeps people awake at night, the bogeyman under the bed, so little is known about them that the rumours are almost as scary as their acts.  


The Harvesters were designed to be relentless and a bit overwhelming putting the player's under constant pressure. Harvesters get in close and when there's enough of them they swarm. 

There's an element of the Terminator about them but also something alien. Whereas the Terminators were like pod people (with something not quite right about them triggering the uncanny valley) the Harvesters can't be mistaken for human except as a silhouette in a doorway... something no one wants to see. Essentially their motives are mysterious, inviting the primeval fear of capture or being eaten alive.

There were several designs based on the human skeleton.
There were several designs based on the human skeleton.



Devastators are built like tanks and just as subtle, their job is to destroy, not to capture. They were designed to make the players think twice about head on assaults and consider other tactics. Also, they're a great way of stopping player's dawdling and wasting time!  

As they are nothing but a weapon they are equipped with the bare essentials - arms without hands, a face with a single large eye. A monster in robot form.  

At first we were going to make the Purge modular so the early concepts look very much like Harvesters.
At first we were going to make the Purge modular so the early concepts look very much like Harvesters.



Assassins are infiltrators, able to target individuals in the heart of enemy territory and remove them. They are are semi-autonomous and able to make decisions when away from the group. This doesn't mean you'll stumble upon one reading a paperback, but rather their intelligence is geared towards the most efficient means of killing. 

They are hard to stop and have to be annihilated, a clean head shot means nothing as like all Purge machines the Assassin's 'head' is actually a sense cluster with the brain housed in the chest cavity.

The Assassin is designed to put pressure on the team captain in particular. The original colour scheme resembled a black ninja but the details were hard to make out so we opted for a bone white and carbon look, the synthesis of skeleton and machine.  

The Assassins are sleeker, more complex machines and not mass produced like Harvesters.
The Assassins are sleeker, more complex machines and not mass produced like Harvesters.



The only organic Purge ever encountered the Live Ones are both commander and scout. They control the other Purge but also double as infiltrators using their holographic tech and intelligence to mingle with other races.  

Live Ones are intelligent but no more open to reason than a Harvester. They were born for one job and they do it and nothing else. They are self aware and can think and feel but they're no more free than their brethren. The Purge are essentially a slave race.  

We came up with several concepts for the Live Ones and most of them centred around a mysterious 'hooded one'. The cloak was envisioned as a weapon in itself and was cut into mobile looking strips. The Live Ones don't eat or drink but recharge from a socket in their back, the extent of their cybernetics is unknown as like all Purge they rapidly decay upon death.  

Although organic the Live Ones were artificially created.
Although organic the Live Ones were artificially created.


Hope you found that interesting.

Cheers :)

Wayne and Colin.

Here I am!!!! Look at me!!!!
over 6 years ago – Mon, Dec 04, 2017 at 08:52:45 AM

Captain Teelac is here to save the day! (or at least make things much worse). Captain of the Poseidon Teelac shambles through life drawing all eyes and derision. It's like he'll fade away if we're not looking at him. Expect to see him on X Factor: Core Space some time soon!

"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum!"
"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum!"


Stretch Goal 18 is the funky neon signs unlocking at £109K.

Lit up, all neon like.
Lit up, all neon like.

SG 19 is another lovely big girder with an airlock and struts. Seriously, those struts add a whole new level of immersion.

Want a pair of girders? Sure, why not? :)
Want a pair of girders? Sure, why not? :)


Then we come to Stretch Goal 20, five extra Event cards and a range ruler. Handy!

Don't fight over that ruler, have one each!
Don't fight over that ruler, have one each!



We've climbed up the Geeklist 'Most Anticipated Games of 2018' and are now in the top 100, 55 more votes will put us in the top 50 giving us more coverage and more kudos which can't be a bad thing :) If you haven't done so feel free to pop in and give it a thumbs up and let's get into the top 20 as well!

And speaking of BGG we were mentioned in the Sunday Crowdfunding Roundup: 

Cheers :)

Wayne and Colin.

Metropolitan Pack!
over 6 years ago – Sun, Dec 03, 2017 at 08:36:56 AM

Stretch Goal 16 is broken which means the consoles are on us!

More shop stuff!
More shop stuff!


SG17 is Captain Teelac at £106K:

Somebody take this guys ship away!
Somebody take this guys ship away!


Then SG18 is at £109K featuring signs. Lots of signs. And a chair so your characters can sit and look at the signs.

More signs than you could wave a neon tube at.
More signs than you could wave a neon tube at.



We've now got the finished 3D model of Pi back from our sculptor and he's looking good :)

This guy has hacked his own brain... guess he didn't like the default setting!
This guy has hacked his own brain... guess he didn't like the default setting!



We have a brand new add-on pack to help expand your civilians. That's right, even more guys to get in the way and cause confusion :)

Some gentle city folk to add variety :)
Some gentle city folk to add variety :)



A down trodden plumber and electrician Treva spends his days trying to work off his expensive trade license. Tired of fixing the hot tubs of the rich and famous he yearns for a life of excitement and danger... but at the end of each day decides to have a cuppa instead.  


A small alien in the big city Ooma tries his best to blend in, often hampered by his lack of knowledge of other cultures and a faulty translator! He is naturally tenacious and will, against all odds, end up running the planet one day.  


The local security forces serve as the constabulary in places such as stations and townships. They tend to carry non-lethal weapons and their legal standing depends on where they are posted.  

Some townships have had them for generations and think of them as the local beat cops, others have Security on short term leases and regard them as enforcers or doormen.  

The Security forces are hired out by private firms and are big business. They tend to do the work the Galactic Corps are not interested in such as local law enforcement.

The Metropolitan pack is already in the add-ons, it doesn't need to be unlocked. Just jump into your pledge and increase it by £16 if you want one :)

Until we meet again :)

Wayne and Colin.

over 6 years ago – Sat, Dec 02, 2017 at 08:45:40 AM

We've hit £100,000 which is a great milestone for any Kickstarter :) Also, by total coincidence we've unlocked Stretch Goal 15 which means FREE crates (1 biggun and 2 little 'uns), an uncomfortable bed for your crew and a Triable (dumb name I know, we just couldn't fit 'Tri-corner table' onto the banner ;)

Yours for the taking... go, on take it, no one's watching...
Yours for the taking... go, on take it, no one's watching...


After that we have SG15, the consoles at £103K and Captain Teelac at £106K.  Now, let's have a look at the Orange Banner of Pulchritude:

Come on lads, get the crane into place, steady, steady, she's a big one!
Come on lads, get the crane into place, steady, steady, she's a big one!


Just to clear up a bit of bafflement after out last update all trader characters, whether they're FREE stretch goals or add-ons come with their own Trader (character) board, class board and an equipment token. NPC characters such as the Galactic Corps do not although we are looking into it, as always it depends on the funding.

Also a crew add-on (such as the Skylark) does not come with the plastic dashboards or (currently) a ship board. The dashboards are available as an add-on, we've yet to decide about the ship boards, again it depends on funding.

Finally, every crew will have 4 figures, currently the Black Maria and Ion Hope crews have three but we will be upgrading those as soon as we can.


Our BGG profile is now up and running at

Feel free to add a comment, give a thumbs up, chat in the forums or whatever you crazy kids do with these things.

Cheers :)

Wayne and Colin.

Pi, add-ons and Beasts of War :)
over 6 years ago – Fri, Dec 01, 2017 at 10:47:36 AM

Ah, a freshly baked Stretch Goal! That means cyberpunk Pi is yours for the taking! Next up, those lovely scatter SGs unlocking at £100K and £103K respectively.

Crates? We got 'em!
Crates? We got 'em!


Consoles? We got them as well!
Consoles? We got them as well!


Then we have a new guy, Teelac. Captain of the Poseidon, his crew are Thomen, Hoskins and Pi. Teelac is a bit of an idiot, delusional and gungho with a penchant for the glory days of Hollywood, no one should have left him in charge. Seriously, someone should stop him!

Say hello to my little friend!
Say hello to my little friend!



We're now able to include more add-ons which some of you have been pleading for (obviously by 'pleading' I mean 'demanding')!

First up, the crew of the Skylark; Captain Weaver, Faye, Marlowe and Mac. Each comes with their own trader board, class board and an extra equipment token.

Go Team Skylark!
Go Team Skylark!


The illustration shows the trader boards as blank whereas they'll actually have the character's details and mugshots. Similarly, the class board will be relevant to the character's personality but feel free to swap them around with other classes you get with your pledge.  

The Skylark crew come free to core backers but don't be shy about having more :)

Then we have add-on N, extra dashboards for all those extra FREE minis you want to field :) 

Dashboards for your modding needs...
Dashboards for your modding needs...


Then add-on O is a Cyperpunk mat, the same mat you get with the boxed game or the Cyberpunk terrain only pledge. Really handy to spread those FREE stretch goals out on. Or maybe Assets are tight and you can't quite stretch to a Titan but you can get a boxed game and a mat!

This may change slightly in post design but will blend with any of your BSL mats.
This may change slightly in post design but will blend with any of your BSL mats.


Finally, the Galactic Corps because these guys are a total hoot and it doesn't hurt to have more of them :)

More of your favourite heroes/villains.
More of your favourite heroes/villains.


These add-ons are available NOW, no stretch goals required. Later we will include even more add-ons as the KS progresses.


Finally, two Beasts of Wars snippets. First, here's the second Let's Play vid if you haven't seen it.


Second, Beasts of War are hosting their annual awards live at 9PM UK GMT. We've been nominated for the Best Terrain category, wish us luck!

Cheers :)

Wayne and Colin.